

  • For about 4 persons

    Crêpe dough:



    • 160 g flour
    • 2 eggs
    • 1.5 to 2 dl milk (the dough should not be too thick)
    • A pinch of salt


    Let the dough rest in the cold for at least 30 minutes.


    Prepare the crêpes ideally on a stove hotplate for a multiple number of crêpes, since like this they have a smaller diameter. Otherwise, use a small frying pan. The crêpes have to be fine and remain soft.


    Once they have cooled down, spread some cream cheese with herbs over them, and cover them with radish slices and watercress.


    If the crêpes are small, create a crêpe millefeuille per person, if they are bigger make one big millefeuille and cut it up into same-sized pieces.


    The classic drink to accompany this dish is cider. But you can also surprise your guests by proposing them a beer. The slight bitterness of our ‘L’Echappée’ beer goes along perfectly with the dough of the crêpes and the sweetness of the cream cheese.

Famille Rouvinez