Chinese New Year’s meal is held at the home of the eldest born child. Each region has its specialties, each family its recipes: ravioli, fish, rice cakes. The festivities must last until after midnight, the table must be covered with food.
Prepare the sauce beforehand and mix
- 6 table spoons ketchup
- 4 table spoons soy sauce
- 1 tea spoon salt
- 2 table spoons vinegar
- 2 table spoons sugar
- 1 table spoon corn starch
- 1 finely chopped garlic clove
- Add pepper according to taste
Fry 500 g of shrimps gently in a little oil
Set aside
Remove the fat with some household paper
Let the sauce cook for 1 or 2 minutes in the same frying pan
Add the shrimps
Serve with rice and steamed vegetables according to your choice.
We suggest a glass of Trémaille with the sweet and sour shrimps.